Logic Activity

In this assignment, we'll watch a 10-minute video clip from a classroom analysis and consider it in light of what we've learned from the axiology and logic sections of the Philosophical Aspects of Cultural Difference chart. 

To begin, watch the following video from it's queued point of 1 hour 23 minutes to 1 hour and 33 minutes (10 minutes). As you watch, try to make connections to the axiology or logic sections on the chart.

If you'd like more thoughts on this video clip, read this short article, "20 Judgements a Teacher Makes in 1 Minute and 28 Seconds", from The Hechinger Report. The article analyzes the same 10-minute clip you watched.

When you are done watching and reading, reflect on your own practice. Consider how you might have handled the situation. Might you take a different approach in light of what you’ve learned about axiology and logic, and from the video commentary? To complete this activity, write up and submit a paragraph or two with your reflections.

When you are ready to submit:

Click on the "Add Submission" button below.

Type your answer in the text field.

Click on "Save Changes."

Once you're done, let's move on to the final section in the course: Rigor

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