Internet Scavenger Hunt

Conduct research on a unit of study that you plan for your students and follow the directions on the following page to create your own scavenger hunt or web quest.

Create the scavenger hunt or webquest in MS Word or another word processor, then copy and paste it into a new topic below. After you make an initial post with your Internet scavenger hunt, to two other people's posts with respectful and supportive comments. You can also copy the complete scavenger hunt or webquest and paste it to your teacher web page, if you want to use it with your students. If you have trouble copying and pasting the scavenger hunt into the post, then follow the directions below to attach it to the post.
1. Create the webquest in MS Word and save the document in a place that you can find it. Make sure that you know how to find the file later.

2. Click Add a New Discussion Topic.

3. Type a title for your post that identifies it like "______ scavenger hunt".

4. Type a little description of the scavenger hunt in the body of the post.

5. Click the Browse button to the right of the Attachment field.

6. Find the file and click on it, then click Open.

7. Then click Post to Forum.

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