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Grade 6 Minnesota Studies
Social Studies
Grade 6 MN Studies
MN Geography
Unit 1 Plan
Unit 1 Plan
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Last modified: Thursday, February 20, 2014, 11:18 AM
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Course Preamble
Grade Six: MN Studies Standards Alignment Document
English/Language Arts Standards
MN Studies Glossary
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How well does Google Maps use TODALSS?
Exploring Minnesota
Population & Geography
What's the difference?
A Sense of Place: Activity #1
11 Reservations
11 Reservations Quiz
MN Dakota Cultural Profile
Highway Map Activity
Interactive Map of MN
Mapping MN from True North
Favorite place in MN
Teacher Notes for Google Maps
Supplemental Suggestions
Minnesota A History of the Land
MN's Deadliest Blizzards
Mapping MN Activities from MAGE
Go Minnesota!
Unit 2 Plan
Earliest Settlements Recorded in Petroglyphs
Where did the early Minnesotans live?
Minnesota's First Early Inhabitants
Into the Americas
Jigsaw Submission: Native American Cultures
Dakota Reading Assignment
Dakota Culture
Anishinaabe Language
Indian Boyhood Reading
Anishinaabe Reading
Rainy Lake History (not iPad friendly)
American Indian Wacipi
8,000 Pieces of History Go Home
Oral Traditions Activity
Tribal Sovereignty today
Northwest Company Fur Post Field Trip
Fur Companies Readings
Fur Trade Activity
European Exploration of MN
Additional Readings
Broken Blade Graphic Novel
Who Was George Bonga? (not iPad Friendly)
Fur Trade Web Activity
Unit Launch: Expansion and Reform, 1792-1860
The Louisiana Purchase Leads to Expansion
Louisiana Purchase Quiz
Building Fort Snelling
Additional Resources: Fort Snelling
Fort Snelling Short Essay
Expansion & Reform: Diverse Perspectives
Compare and Contrast: Diverse Perspectives
The Treaty Story
Fact or Myth?
Why Treaties Matter
Steamboats Bring Change
Becoming a State
Unit 4 Plan
Three Branches of Government Article
Video: Focus on government vocabulary
Game: Check your understanding
Government Vocabulary Review
3 Branches Quiz
Separation of Powers
Assessment: FOUR Branches of Government?
What is Federalism?
Journal Entry: Federalism
Comparing Governments
Separation of Powers Assessment
Minnesota's Constitution
MN Constitution: Read to Learn
Assignment: Be Represented
Teacher-guided handout
How a Bill Becomes a Law in Minnesota
Assignment: Confronting Unjust Laws
"New Classroom" Government Activity
The Juvenile Justice System in Minnesota-Key Word Notes Directions
Article: Minnesota's Juvenile Justice System to use with Key Word Notes
Preview: Funding of State Government
Interview Assignment: Funding of MN Government
Interview about taxation in Minnesota
Unit 5 Plan
Who? Lesson Launch
Activity 1: List Group Label: The American Civil War: The People
List Group Label Civil War
Activity 2: Examine an Infographic- record your answers here
Activity 3: Describe the wartime experiences of Minnesotan soldiers
Activity 4: Minnesota's Role in the War
What? Lesson Launch
Activity 5: Letter to Anne Davis from President Lincoln
Teacher directions for examining letter from Annie Davis
Activity 6: A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words!
Photo Analysis
Civil War Quiz
Activity 7: North vs South
Activity 8: Create a timeline of key events during the Civil War
Civil War Timeline Events
Why? Lesson Launch
Activity 9: Dred Scott Case Trials
Activity 10: Compare and Contrast
Activity 11: Quotable Quotes
Activity 12: View, Talk, Write (not all videos are iPad friendly)
UnCivil War Lesson Launch
US Dakota War Background
Activity 13: Terms Matter
Activity 14: MPR Jigsaw Page
Video on Dakota Perspective in 1862
Activity 15: Dakota War of 1862 Point of View
Unit 6 Plan
Pre-Test Development and Industrialization from 1860-1920
Background Knowledge: St. Anthony Falls (not iPad friendly)
Assignment 1: Farming Facts and Inferences
Follow Your Inner Conversation - Farming Graphic Novel
Assignment 2: Lumbering Industry and Monitoring our Comprehension
Assignment 3: Sawmilling - Write a Summary
Assignment 4: Flourmilling
Develop Schema: Immigration Profiles (not iPad friendly)
Assignment 5: Immigration Profile - Presentation Quilt Squares
Assignment 6: Rondo Neighborhood Mapping
Assignment 7: Keyword Notes Near North Neighborhood (not iPad friendly)
Assignment 8: World War 1 Multi-Flow Map
Assignment 9: View a Profile of World War I (not iPad friendly)
Assignment 10: Writing a Literal Multiple Choice Question
Assignment 11: Write a Vocabulary Multiple Choice Question
Assignment 12: Write a Summarizing and Synthesizing Question
Assignment 13: Write an Inferential Questions
Assignment 14: Prohibition and the Volstead Act
Assignment 15: Prohibition
Unit 6 Post-Test Development and Industrialization from 1860-1920
Unit 7 Plan
Introductory Brainstorm
Introductory Brainstorm
1920-1945 Unit Pre-Test
Tea Party Mini-Bios
Tea Party Note Taking Sheet
Tea Party Journal
Roaring Twenties Activities
Roaring Twenties Forum
The Duluth Lynchings
Intro to the Great Depression Note Taking
Considering Wealth Disparity
Reasons for Great Depression Summary
Thinking about the Great Depression
Causes of the Great Depression Activity
Minnesota's Reaction to the Depression: Governor Olson
Floyd Olson Forum
The New Deal Priming Activity Page: List Group Label
The New Deal in Ten Minutes
The New Deal Programs - Alphabet Soup
New Deal Components Group Sharing
New Deal Discussion
Lena Smith: Directions for Open Mind Portrait
WWII Taxonomy
U.S. Enters World War II
Minnesotans in World War II and an Overview of the War
MN WWII Reflections Video Discussion
The Holocaust & Anne Frank
Holocaust and Connections to World Events Today
Introduction to Japanese Internment Camps
MN Connection to Japanese Internment Camps
Ending the War
Ending the War with Atomic Bombs
Minnesota Soldier Visits Japan After US Drops Atomic Bombs
Duluth and Mending Relations with Japan after the War
Unit Timeline
1920-1945 Post-Test
Unit 8 Plan
Activity 1: List Group Label Cold War
List Group Label Cold War
Activity 2 : Our Part in the Fight Against Communism... I Wonder
I Wonder
Activity 3: Spotlight on a Minnesota Company
Activity 4: Taking Over the Ivory Tower
Activity 5: Minnesota Leaders of Civil Rights and Conservation Movements
Acivity 6: Protest Songs of the 60s and 70s
Lyrics: The Times They are a-Changin'
Lyrics: 500 Years
Activity 7: Human Rights Collage
Forum: Human Rights Collage
Unit 9 Plan
Organizer Options for Step 1
Step 1: Major Political Figures; Ideas and Industries
Step 2: Discussion Questions
Major Political Figures; Ideas and Industries Resources
Immigration Activity 1
Immigration Lesson
Immigration Activities 2 and 3
Sovereignty & Treaty Rights in MN
Treaty Rights Issues & Responses
Why Treaties Matter
Unit 10 Plan
Job Investigation
Career Investigation
Circular Flow Model
Personal Budget