Understand key terminology of digital images.

Objectives of this unit:

3.1 Identify elements of the Photoshop CS5 user interface and demonstrate knowledge of their functions.

For this, I suggest reading the Help menu available in Photoshop CS5. Click on the image below to be directed to the online help menu.

selection gallery link

You can add to a selection with any selection tool by holding down the shift key as you use that tool; you can subtract from a selection by pressing the Option (Mac) or Alt (PC) key.


3.2 Demonstrate knowledge of layers and masks.

Video by Michael Ninness, produced by lynda.com, embedded from YouTube

3.3 Demonstrate knowledge of importing, exporting, organizing, and saving.


3.4 Demonstrate knowledge of producing and reusing images.

When you make an image into a Smart Object (Layer, Smart Objects, Convert to Smart Object), any edits you make are not permanent. So if you take a large image, make it a smart object, scale it to 20% of its original size, you can still rescale it back to its original size.

3.5 Demonstrate an understanding of and select the appropriate features and options required to implement a color management workflow.

Click here to read Adobe's exam prep materials on this subject.

Last modified: Friday, May 20, 2011, 10:33 AM