Unit 4 Plan

Step One: What are the desired learning results of this unit? (benchmarks that address content)  Students will explain the relationship among the three branches of government.  Students will define federalism and describe the relationship between powers of federal and state governement.  Students will identify the purpose of Minnesota's Constitution.  Students will explain how Minnesota's Constitution organizes and protects rights.  Students will identify major state and local governmental offices and describe the duties of each.  Students will describe how laws are created.  Students will explain the differences between civil and criminal laws.  Students will give examples of federal, state and local laws.  Students will understand the structure and purpose of Minnesota's juvenile justice system.  Students will compare and contrast the structures, functions and ways of funding state and local governments.

Step Two: What essential question(s) will anchor students to learning? (one or more that summarize benchmark)  How do the three branches of governement function independently? How do the depend on each other? What are the differences and similarities in the roles of the federal and state governments? How are the powers balanced between federal and state governments?  How are the rights of Minnesotans protected by the state constitution? What are the main parts of Minnesota's constitution and how does it compare to the Constitution of the United States? What are the main state and local government offices? What are the main duties of each office?  How are laws created? What are some differences between civil and criminal laws? How does Minnesota's juvenile justice system handle different types of juvenile offenses?  How is Minnesota's government funded? What are different types of taxes that Minnesotans pay?

Step Three: What skills are needed to achieve desired results (nuts and bolts teaching)? (civic skills: evaluate arguments, etc. evident in the benchmarks)

1. Basic understanding of levels of government (local, state, federal)

2. The United States Constitution is the supreme law of the United States of America. It provides the framework for the organization of the United States Government.

3. Each state in the United States has its own constitution.

4. Governments are funded by taxes.

Step Four: What is acceptable evidence to show desired results?

1. Students will navigate, read and/or respond to a variety of websites, primary and secondary sources to learn content.

2. Students will demonstrate understanding by submitting periodic assignments and assessments to the teacher.

Step Five: What is the sequence of activities, learning experiences, etc. that will lead to desired results (the plan)? 

As outlined in online unit.

Last modified: Wednesday, June 5, 2013, 3:00 PM