Interest Assessment

What is an Interest Assessment?

When you go on a trip, you know what to pack in your suitcase, right? As you explore careers, you should know what skills, talents, and personality traits you bring to the workplace.

Taking an interest assessment can help you understand which careers might be the best fit for you. An interest assessment will give you a broad list of career options that match your interests.

If any assessment gives you a list of careers that is not interesting to you or that you'd never seriously considered, don't panic. You should always take a few assessments, talk with a career counselor, and discuss your options with family and friends before making your career decision.

The overall goal of an assessment is to get you thinking about careers that you might enjoy.

This interest assessment will discover how your interests relate to occupations.

Take this inventory and create your own "interest profile" that corresponds to matching occupations and their descriptions.

This interest assessment is a simple 42-statement quiz.

Tips for taking the assessment

Here are a few simple tips to taking the assessment:

Read each statement on the assessment. If you agree with the statement, then fill in the corresponding square. If the statement doesn't match your interests, then leave it blank.

After you have completed the assessment you will given your Holland Code Interest Profile.  Use your Holland Code Interest Profile to view careers that may interest you.

Click on this link and take the Interest Assessment.

Last modified: Wednesday, June 8, 2011, 2:28 PM