Using your Interest Assessment Results

Read the descriptions for each interest type in your Interest Profile.

Match your interest profile with career clusters and start exploring careers.

This interest assessment is based on Holland's Inventory of Basic Interests, sometimes called the RIASEC assessment.

The Holland interest assessment shows that people with similar personal interest types often like the same types of careers.

HollandHere are a few simple tips to taking the assessment:

    • R = Realistic
  • I = Investigative
  • A = Artistic
  • S = Social
  • E = Enterprising
  • C = Conventional

After completing the assessment, you'll have an interest profile that matches occupations in various career clusters.

What does each interest type mean?

Read the descriptions for your top three types to see how well they match your personality and interests. Then look for careers that match your top interests.

DoerR - Realistic people are DOERS. Personality traits You are probably practical, reserved, curious, and persistent. You are good at solving problems. You prefer to work with things, like machines, tools, and greenery. Hobbies and career interests You probably like to work with your hands to build or fix things. You like to play sports, be physically active and do outdoor activities. You are often good at activities that involve electronics, mechanics, engineering, lab work, farming and carpentry work.

InvestigatorI - Investigative people are THINKERS. Personality traits You are probably curious, observant, and analytical. You're usually like to work independently rather than on a team. Hobbies and career interests You are probably good at math and science, or enjoy analyzing other types of data. You probably like to do things like solve puzzles and figure out difficult problems. You often enjoy reading, investigating and research, or using scientific or computer equipment.

ArtistA - Artistic people are CREATORS. Personality traits You are probably intuitive, sensitive, and imaginative. You usually prefer to work in unstructured situations where you can use your creativity and come up with new ideas. Hobbies and career interests You probably enjoy performing or creating visual arts. You like go to museums or attend concerts or plays. You might enjoy fashion, creative writing, drawing, and creating new things in a variety of settings.

TeacherS - Social people are HELPERS. Personality traits You are friendly, empathetic, cooperative, and responsible. You probably like to work directly with people rather than things. You prefer to work as part of a team and sometimes lead or coordinate activities. Hobbies and career interests You probably enjoy teaching, counseling, or curing others. You might be a good public speaker or trainer, and like playing team sports. You might seek out situations where you can work with children, the elderly, people with special needs, or diverse populations.

PoliceE - Enterprising people are PERSUADERS. Personality traits You are probably enthusiastic, assertive, adventurous, and talkative. You like to start new projects and make decisions that affect others. You like to work with other people and often prefer to be in leadership positions. Hobbies and career interests You probably enjoy influencing, persuading, and performing. You are good at selling things, promoting ideas, and managing people. You might also enjoy starting your own business or running for political office.

ArchitectC - Conventional people are ORGANIZERS. Personality traits You are respectful, orderly, persistent, and practical. You probably like working with numbers and are good at following instructions. You like working in structured situations with set goals and deadlines. Hobbies and career interests You are likely to be detail oriented and enjoy working with data. You are often good at following budgets, creating reports, and making sure that systems and projects work efficiently and effectively.

All 16 career clusters are divided by interest types below. Most clusters are listed more than once because they have several occupations that match different Holland interest types.

Find occupations that are likely to match your interests by clicking on the clusters listed under interest types.

R-Realistic: Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, Architecture and Construction, Arts, A/V Technology and Communications, Health Science, Hospitality and Tourism, Information Technology, Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security, Manufacturing Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Transportation, Distribution and Logistics

I-Investigative: Health Science, Information Technology, Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security, Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

A-Artistic: Arts, A/V Technology and Communications, Education and Training, Hospitality and Tourism, Human Services, Marketing, Sales and Service

S-Social: Arts, A/V Technology and Communications, Education and Training, Government and Public Administration, Health Science, Human Services, Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security, Marketing, Sales and Service

E-Enterprising: Arts, A/V Technology and Communications Business, Management and Administration, Finance, Government and Public Administration, Hospitality and Tourism, Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security Marketing, Sales and Service

C-Conventional: Architecture and Construction, Business, Management and Administration, Finance, Health Science, Manufacturing, Marketing, Sales and Service, Transportation, Distribution and Logistics

You can research your careers at ISEEK and in the next unit we will spend more time researching your top three careers.

Last modified: Monday, June 13, 2011, 3:22 PM