Portfolio: 1.P.2 Old vs. New Artifact

Visit http://www.computerhistory.org/ .

Hop around the timeline of computers until you find something interesting and "old" about computers that you can compare to something "today".

Use Microsoft Word or PowerPoint to create an old vs new flyer. Be sure to label the old computer development and the new one. Tell enough about both so that a classmate would understand what the "old" thing did and how the "new" thing is different. Finally, be sure to label each as analog or digital.

  • If you like Venn Diagrams, try doing this flyer as a Venn Diagram using the Word Art tools with "Add Text" features.
  • If you need a picture to illustrate your new concept, ask your teacher if you can borrow a classroom digital camera to take a picture of a computer component in the classroom that fits your ideas.