Mailing List ($$$)

Read about the mailing list application in chapter 19 from page 377 to 387

Remember that any database you make has to have your user name prefixed to it such as jstudent_finalproject

It will be easy for you to just make one new database to hold all the tables for your final project.

or create one for the original code and one for the new features.

Try to understand the code line by line and overall. Email me if you need a description of what any of the code does or for me to make a video that would help. Use the student forum to talk to the other students about how the code works.

1. get the code working as it is shown in the book.

2. now change the code by adding this additional feature:

1. add a field to the data base to hold the first name of the subscriber.
2. change the form and code to input the first name from a text field on the form shown on page 380.
3. Customize the pages shown on page 382 (Fig 19.3 and 19.4) to use the first name to present a more personalized message such as:

George, you're already subscribed.

George, you are now unsubscribed.

When you have your code ready for my review for grade, please submit a link to the main page here.