Tips for Effective Posting

Blog Posts

  1. Use short, descriptive titles. Most services time-stamp posts/updates, so using a date in the title is unnecessary.
  2. Make the first sentence count - most social networks and gadgets will show only the first sentence or two as a preview.
  3. Add relevant images and videos to make your posts stand out and attract readers' attention.
  4. When linking to other websites, link descriptive text. Don't just paste a link in your post.
  5. When sharing documents, link to a Google document when possible. If you must attach a document, make sure to save it as a PDF first.

Twitter & Facebook

  1. Add a profile picture and basic profile infomation so your account appear authentic and active
  2. Include a link back to your classroom website
  3. Provide instructions on your calssroom website for follow your tweets via text
  4. Advertise your social media accounts on your website
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Last modified: Sunday, June 24, 2012, 11:50 PM