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Introduction Page Standards Alignment Doc

Standards Alignment for MN State Academic Standards and ISTE's NETS-S Technology Standards

Page Course Introduction

Familiarize yourself with Moodle, this course and anything else you may need to be successful here.

Page Welcome
Page Uploading to and Sharing in Google Docs
Page Proper Formatting

If you are submitting written work this is the format I expect.

Page Online Support

If you need to set up a synchronous meeting with your instructor, we will be using these tools.

Page Forum Posting Directions

Keep this in mind while posting in the course forums.

Unit 1: Blogger Page Unit 1: Blogger

This unit focuses on the set up and updating of student blogs using Google's Blogger or tumblr.

Page Unit 1 Blogging: Objectives
Page Bonus Lesson: Who/Whom

Special Bonus Video

Unit 2: Education Essay Page Unit 2: Education Essay

In this assignment students will write an essay about the purpose of education.

Page Unit 2 Education Essay: Objectives
Page Colonial Education
Page Early National Education
Page Horace Mann Information
Page 19th Century Education
Page 20th Century Education
Page Bonus Lesson: The use of I statements in essays

Find out why you really don't have to refer to yourself very often in your writing.

Unit 3: Search Engines vs. Electronic Databases Page Unit 3: Search Engines vs. Electronic Databases

What's the difference? You'd better find out.

Page Unit 3 Web Searching: Objectives
Page Unit 3: Internet Searching

It's more than just Googling something.

Page Wikipedia

What's the deal with Wikipedia?

Page Electronic Databases Info

Find out about Electronic Databases and what they can do for you.

Page Citing Your Sources

It's much more than just providing a link to a website you looked at!

Unit 4: Social Issues & The Media Page Unit 4: Social Issues & The Media

Social Issues & the Media. How the media shapes public perception.

Page Unit 4 Social Issues: Objectives
Page Bonus Lesson: Social Networks

This resource provides a definition and explanation of Social Networks. You may already be a member of some of them.

Unit 5: The Written Word Page Unit 5: The Written Word

The history of the written word is an interesting one. Show me why.

Page Unit 5 The Written Word: Objectives
Unit 6: Future of Communication Page Unit 6: Future of Communication

Where is communication heading?

Page Unit 6 Future of Communication: Objectives
Page Unit 6: Net Neutrality

You may have heard the term, but what is it and what's the controversy?

Page Bonus Lesson: Affect/Effect and other common mistakes people make

What's the difference between affect and effect anyway? What are some other words in English that people commonly mess up in their writing?

Page Luddites: Who Were They?

This page defines the term Luddite and discusses how the term is still used today.

Unit 7: Problem/Solution Page Unit 7: Problem/Solution

There are problems in the world and there are solutions. Research them both and report back.

Page Unit 7 Problem/Solution: Objectives
Research Resources Page Research Resources

Research Writing isn't easy. Here's some support and help.

Page Research Resource: Writing a Research Paper
You've heard about them, you've maybe even tried to write one. Here's something that will help make the process a little easier.
Page Research Resource: Citing Your Work

This page includes information for citing work, in-text citations, works cited page and why cite your work at all?

Page Information Resources
This page provides you with some places where you'll want to start your search for information.
Page Writing Support