Supported media formats
.mp3 - MPEG Audio Stream, Layer III
.swf - Macromedia Flash Format File (Adobe, Inc.)
.mov - QuickTime Video Clip (Apple Computer, Inc.)
.wmv - Windows Media File (Microsoft)
.mpg - MPEG Animation
.avi - Audio Video Interleave File
.flv - Flash Video File (Macromedia, Inc.)
.ram - RealMedia Metafile (RealNetworks, Inc.)
.rpm - RealMedia Player Plug-in (RealNetworks)
.rm - RealMedia Streaming Media (Real Networks, Inc.)
.mp4 (in Moodle 1.9.6 onwards)
.m4v (in Moodle 1.9.6 onwards)
In Moodle 1.9.6 onwards, a YouTube link filter (disabled by default) is also available.
Insert the URL of the multimedia resource into your text (which can be the URL of a file in the course files area). When displayed a suitable player will be provided. Moodle detects the media type using the filename extension, so you should ensure that the file contents match the extension correctly.
.mp3 - MPEG Audio Stream, Layer III
.swf - Macromedia Flash Format File (Adobe, Inc.)
.mov - QuickTime Video Clip (Apple Computer, Inc.)
.wmv - Windows Media File (Microsoft)
.mpg - MPEG Animation
.avi - Audio Video Interleave File
.flv - Flash Video File (Macromedia, Inc.)
.ram - RealMedia Metafile (RealNetworks, Inc.)
.rpm - RealMedia Player Plug-in (RealNetworks)
.rm - RealMedia Streaming Media (Real Networks, Inc.)
.mp4 (in Moodle 1.9.6 onwards)
.m4v (in Moodle 1.9.6 onwards)
In Moodle 1.9.6 onwards, a YouTube link filter (disabled by default) is also available.
Insert the URL of the multimedia resource into your text (which can be the URL of a file in the course files area). When displayed a suitable player will be provided. Moodle detects the media type using the filename extension, so you should ensure that the file contents match the extension correctly.
Last modified: Sunday, July 4, 2010, 1:37 PM