Creating a Hot Potatoes Quiz

  1. On your desktop, open the Hot Potatoes software.
  2. Select the "JQuiz" option from the front page.
  3. Insert a meaningful Title for your quiz something like "Australian Geography Quiz"
  4. Select what type of question you would like to ask choosing from,
    • Multiple Choice,
    • Short Answer,
    • Hybrid, or
    • Multi-Select
  5. Place your question in the Text box next to the Question Numer near the top of the window.
  6. Then add the potential answers, selecting with a tick, the "Correct" answer for one of the potential answers.
  7. Once you have added your questions and answers, save the file with the .jqz
  8. This file can then be uploaded into the course you have built in moodle and linked via the HotPot Activity Module.
  9. The results will then be recorded automatically in your Moodle grade book as the participants complete the quizzes.
Last modified: Wednesday, July 7, 2010, 8:16 PM