The following list of expectations is intended to guide us through the class and ensure that everyone gets the most out of our learning experience together.

Before the Class Begins:

1. Familiarize yourself with Moodle. Login to the Moodle and explore the resources and activities.

2. Ensure that both your network login and school email account work at school and at home, since you will be completing work for this course both in and away from Maple Grove Junior High. If you experience technical problems or have concerns, please send an email to me at

Actively Participate in the Class:

3. Each time you log in to the class, check for new announcements, mail, discussion forum postings, and returned assignments. ALWAYS check for new information and/or new discussions for each unit. I think it is important that you participate especially in discussion forums, at least three (preferably more) times during each unit.

4. Login to and participate in the class several times a week. Regular and consistent participation is very important in every unit. Your postings count for a significant part of your grade. Failure to regularly and actively participate in discussion forums is equivalent to not showing up for class…or showing up but never answering questions or participating with others.

Discussion Forums:

5. Post your initial response to each forum question. In the next few days following your post, read posts of other students. Consider the information and positions they have provided, and do follow-up research in your text and through the web on points or questions they have raised. To receive credit for a discussion board you need to post an original response to each unit question and respond to at least two other students' responses for each question during each unit. Your responses should be posted within 3-4 days following the original posts—but DO NOT post all of your responses on a single day. I will let you know when the discussion board will be closed-after that you will not be given credit! (See online discussion forum Rubric)

6. Make contributions that are well thought out and add value to the on-going discussion. You may site where you got your information from(web sites) to make your opinion.

7. When you respond to discussion forum posts made by others: Please reply to the existing message or thread rather than creating a new thread. Explain which aspects of the original post you agree with or disagree with (and why), ask questions for clarification on points that are unclear, and/or explain how the post affects your own thoughts and positions on the topic. I also expect that if you are asked a question either by me or others within the course of the unit's discussion, you will make every effort to answer it. I will monitor your responses and provide very specific feedback if you are not responding to other learners in a challenging and engaging way!

8. You are expected to use correct spelling, sound grammar, and proper sentence and paragraph construction. You may create your response in Word first and use spell-check before submitting your response. Please post in the discussion window and NOT an attachment unless the discussion calls for an attachment.

9. IF YOU ARE ABSENT….and are very ill, so much so that you cannot do these assignments, you will be given 1 day excused for each day you are absent. Please communicate with me through email if you can and I will try to get back to you. Otherwise, continue ahead with the assignments posted if you are able.

10. Respect all other learners and the instructor. (This includes staying on topic.) I recommend you imagine that you are face-to-face with the person as you write your message, so you are tactful and thoughtful. Through our interactive discussions, we will look at what is being presented or discussed, reflect on it, and respond to others in the class. I will ask learners to delete or modify postings that are inappropriate. E-mail me when issues need individual or special attention. I WILL EXPECT THAT YOUR COMMENTS AND DISCUSSION WILL BE APPROPRIATE!!

Submitting Your Work:

11. Work that will be included in calculating your grade will be submitted in different ways depending upon the type of activity it is. Discussion forum posts should ALWAYS be submitted in the forum text window—never as an attachment or as an email to me It is indicated in each assignment how you are supposed to submit your work. Please read carefully. All assessment quizzes and tests are taken and graded online. Failure to complete and submit work in the requested format may result in delays with scoring or even loss of points.

Receiving Feedback from me:

12. I usually login to the class to read and respond to messages several times a week, Monday through Friday. I try to designate the weekend as my "family" time for which I try to stay totally offline. That does NOT mean that learning and interaction with other class members cannot continue for you on weekends! I will indicate via email what my expectations are for your online participation during holidays.

13. Grade calculation for 8th grade health is similar to that used in your other classes. Check the class syllabus for a detailed grading breakdown. I will give you a hard copy in class for you and you parents to sign. Login frequently to TIES SchoolView, where I post grades within a week of due dates. Once assignments are graded, they cannot be resubmitted for additional points. There are no OPPS coupons- you are in 8th grade where you are learning to be responsible and hand your assignments in on time. Remember, unless you are absent, 1 day= half credit, 2 days late= no credit! I have NO sympathy for computer excuses because I give you ample time for completing your work.

Challenges and Technical Issues:

14. Please contact me when you experience challenges with technology or have questions about the class content or assignments. I am here to help you in any way that I can. I often stay after school until 4:00 Tuesdays and Thursdays. Make every attempt to keep up with the assignments. If something happens that might jeopardize your success, please let me know and I will do my best to help you!

Questions for the Teacher:

15. If you have questions for me related to the class, please communicate with me directly via email, or feel free to stop in to my classroom after school. I try to respond to direct inquiries within 24 hours. Regarding postings in discussion forums, I deliberately wait to respond so that others will join in first. I may not respond to each of your posts, but I read all of them and join in most of the time.

16. You and your parents can feel free to contact me by email. It is ( If you do contact me via email, please include in the subject line your name, assignment or activity for which you have a question. Give me 24 - 48 hours to respond to your e-mail message. If you do not get a reply after two days, please resend it since the message may have been lost or misplaced.

Your Student Profile:

17. The profile is one way we learn more about one another. Also it enables us to have quick access to each other's contact information. If you can, please attach a personal photo to your Profile. It is helpful to associate a face with a name and with your postings. Also, it can help us recognize each other if we see each other in the halls at MGJH!!

After you have read all of the information contained in this document, please submit a post to the “Course Expectations” forum in the top section of the class. Post any questions that you may have on anything that is not clear to you—otherwise, let me know that you have read and understand the expectations.

Looking forward to a great class!!

Mrs. Cheri Meyer
Last modified: Thursday, August 5, 2010, 8:27 PM