11 Reservas

Study this map of the seven Ojibwe and four Dakota reservations in Minnesota. Seriously, study it. There's a quiz after this where you'll be asked to identify each region.

Estudi este mapa de las siete reservas Ojibwe y cuatro reservas de los Dakota en Minnesota. ¡¡ Estudialo bien!!. Hay un exámen después, donde se les pedirá que identifiquen cada región.

11Reservations Map

Reservation Sketches

There are 11 Indian reservations and communities in Minnesota. There are seven Ojibwe reservations and four Dakota Communities. Included are sketches of these reservations and communities for a general background for teachers. Further information can be found at the websites of each of these groups. to read the sketches.

Hay 11 reservas Indias y comunidades en Minnesota. Hay siete reservas Ojibwe y cuatro Comunidades Dakota. Se incluyen bocetos de estas reservas y comunidades para tus profesores. Más información se puede encontrar en las páginas web de cada uno de estos grupos. Pincha aquí  (Click on this link) para leer los bocetos.

Bois Forte Band of Chippewas:
PO Box 16
Nett Lake, MN 59772

Fond du Lac Ojibwe:
105 University Rd
Cloquet, MN 55720

Grand Portage Band of the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe:
P.O. Box 233
Grand Portage, MN 55605

Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe:
Rt 3 Box 11
Cass Lake, MN 56633

Lower Sioux Indian Community:
Rt 1 Box 308
Morton, MN 56270

Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe:
HRC-67 Box 194
Onamia, MN 56359

Prairie Island Indian Community (Dakota):
5636 Sturgeon Lake Road
Welch, MN 550889

Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians:
PO Box 550
Red Lake, MN 56671

Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux:
2330 Sioux Tr. N.W.
Prior Lake, MN 55372

Upper Sioux Indian Community:
PO Box 147
Granite Falls, MN 56241

White Earth Ojibwe:
PO Box 418
White Earth, MN 56591

 From Osseo District 279 American Indian Education Resources. Used with permission. 

Last modified: Tuesday, July 16, 2013, 10:16 AM