Unit 6 Plan
Step One: What are the desired learning results of this unit? (benchmarks that address content) Pose questions about a topic in Minnesota history, gather a variety of primary and secondary sources related to questions, analyze sources for credibility, identify possible answers, use evidence to draw conclusions, and present supported findings. Analyze how the rise of big business, the growth of industry, the use of natural resources, and technological innovation influenced Minnesota's economy from 1860 to 1920. (Development of an Industrial United States: 1870-1920)
For example: Technological innovation—Improved ground and water transportation increased commerce. Analyze the causes and impact of migration and immigration on Minnesota society during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. (Development of an Industrial United States: 1870-1920) For example: Establishment of ethnic communities and neighborhoods, shifting political power, language barriers. Describe the effects of reform movements on the political and social culture of Minnesota in the early twentieth century. (Development of an Industrial United States: 1870-1920) For example: Labor unions, Socialists, Progressive Movement, women’s suffrage. Describe Minnesota and federal American Indian policy of the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries and its impact on Anishinaabe and Dakota people, especially in the areas of education, land ownership and citizenship. (Development of an industrial United States: 1870-1920) Describe the political and social culture of Minnesota during World War I and how it affected Minnesotans. (Development of an Industrial United States: 1870-1920) For example: Temperance Movement, persecution of Germans in Minnesota, Minnesota National Guard, Commission of Public Safety, Non-partisan League.
Step Two: What essential question(s) will anchor students to learning? (one or more that summarize benchmark)
How did the growth of industry influence Minnesota economy?
How did improved ground and water transportation increase commerce?
What were the causes and effects of migration to Minnesota? Compare and contrast to immigration today.
What were some of the ethnic neighborhoods and communities of Minnesota?
What were some political powers of Minnesota at this time?
What were reform movements of the political and social culture of Minnesota in the early twentieth century?
What were some of the political and social trends and influences during World War I?
Step Three: What skills are needed to achieve desired results (nuts and bolts teaching)? (civic skills: evaluate arguments, etc. evident in the benchmarks)
Step Four: What is acceptable evidence to show desired results?
Assignment Completion
Post Test
Step Five: What is the sequence of activities, learning experiences, etc. that will lead to desired results (the plan)?
As outlined.