Unit 2 Plan

Step One: What are the desired learning results of this unit? (benchmarks that address content) Locate, identify and describe major physical features in Minnesota; explain how physical features and the location of resources affect settlement patterns and the growth of cities in different parts of Minnesota. Describe how land was used during different time periods in Minnesota history; explain how and why land use has changed over time. Compare and contrast the Dakota and Anishinaabe nations prior to 1800; describe their interactions with each other and other indigenous peoples. Describe European exploration, competition and trade in the upper Mississippi River region; describe varied interactions between Minnesota’s indigenous peoples and Europeans in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.

Step Two: What essential question(s) will anchor students to learning? (one or more that summarize benchmark)
Where are the major physical features of Minnesota and why are they there?
How did geography play a role in the development of Minnesota?  How has Minnesota's physical landscape changed during the last 18,000 years?
How has the land of Minnesota changed throughout time?
How has the land of Minnesota been used by different cultures of people?
Who were the first Minnesotans and how did they survive?
How did the Dakota interact with the Anishinaabe?
Why did the Anishinaabe come to Minnesota?
How did the arrival of the European fur trade change the cultures of the Dakota and Ojibwe?
How did the fur trade affect the peace in the Great Lakes region?
Explain how the Minnesota fur trade was a global venture?

Step Three: What skills are needed to achieve desired results (nuts and bolts teaching)? (civic skills: evaluate arguments, etc. evident in the benchmarks)

1. Students ability to understand who the first cultures of Minnesota were and how they survived in Minnesota. 
2. Students will create a collage to show how the Dakota and Anishinaabe used the natural resources of Minnesota. 
3. Students ability to understand how geography played a role in the development of Minnesota by creating maps of Minnesota to show the different explorations of the state. 

Step Four: What is acceptable evidence to show desired results?

1. Students will read primary sources to learn more about the content and have greater understanding for the culture and history of Native Americans. 
2. Students will create physical maps of Minnesota to show they understand where major physical features of the state are located. 
3. Students will create maps to show to show the flow of furs across the Great Lakes region to Europe.  The maps will also show the flow of other goods back to Minnesota. 

Step Five: What is the sequence of activities, learning experiences, etc. that will lead to desired results (the plan)? 

As outlined in the unit.

Last modified: Wednesday, June 5, 2013, 2:21 PM